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Year 7 Disco

One of our Employability projects for the Year 7s was to organise a Christmas disco which took place on Friday 9th December.  The taskforce did a great job in helping to organise the event and we are grateful to all members of staff who stayed late to help make this a success.

I am so pleased to say that our very talented DJ is one of our Year 10 students, Laurie Deane and our photographer, Hannah Mayling, who produced some fantastic pictures, is an ex-student of The Chalfonts Community College.

We even had one year 7, Jack Moody, who gained some work experience on the night!  He is keen to understand the work of a DJ and helped Laurie set up and run the evening.  He also did a great job!  “It was a really good experience.  It gave me an idea of what it is like to do an event and I would like to do more now!”  said Jack Moody

The Deputy Head of Year 7 was part of the task force and said:  “Helping with this disco has given me the chance to see a project through, from giving ideas to making it happen.  I feel I have developed the following skills:

Organisation skills – working out what to do and when
Team work – we all had different ideas but used them together to create a great event
Budgets/funding – I enjoyed working out how much the tuck shop food and drink should cost

I feel that this is just the beginning for me and I would now like to go on and be involved in other projects.”

Some comments:

  • There was a really exciting party atmosphere -  Reece Story
  • The evening was very colourful and was made memorable by the lovely photos - Lara Tattersall

Christine Sanders, Leader for Employability