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Business Trip to Barcelona

This was the first of hopefully many opportunities for our Business and Economic students to attend a residential trip. 

The trip was relevant as students are currently (or will be) learning about global businesses and how international companies differ from UK run businesses.

We stayed at the Hostel Fernando close to Las Ramblas which was walking distance to pretty much everything. Students had a jam-packed schedule which allowed them to experience business related excursions and also gave them the opportunity to take in the sights of Barcelona. We were incredibly lucky with the weather with temperatures reaching 18 degrees.

Day 1:  We arrived at midday and went straight to our hostel to unpack before joining our own personal tour guide to see the city. The coach took us to the main sights of Barcelona to see Sagrada Familia and the Gothic Quarter where we felt lucky to have a local’s perspective.

Day 2:  After a bit of a lie in we headed out to the SEAT factory where we saw the production lines of various SEAT models and the day to day work within the factory. We were also told about the close working relationships with Audi and Volkswagen. This followed with free time to experience the Gothic Quarter of Barcelona and some of the big brands on the main high street and Las Ramblas. Some students even stepped out of their comfort zones to sample some Paella.

Day 3:  We had to venture a bit further today on the metro to visit the Super Computing Centre (Centro Nacional de Supercomputación), a public research centre.  It is located in a former chapel named Torre Girona which was very surreal. Students were given a guided tour and informed about the work they do through a video. As the weather was so pleasant and because we were only a ten minute walk about we decided to visit Camp Nou. Students had a wander around and took part in some activities that we being run by the staff at the stadium including a quick 5 aside game. The students then had free time until we all gathered to walk to a must see flamenco and tapas show. This was one of my highlights of the trip and it was great to see the Year 12 and 13 students bonding so much.

Day 4:  Unfortunately due to the terror attack in Berlin our guided tour to the Catalonian Parliament was cancelled. Another trip was arranged to the Mobile World Centre right in the heart of Barcelona. This was probably the highlight of the trip for a lot of people! Students were given a virtual headset and they had to break out of a room in ten minutes using cryptic clues. After a bit of free time for shopping it was time to head home after a brilliant trip.

Louise Flisher, Leader of Business Studies