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Work Experience with British Airways

Year 10 Students will be on work experience from Monday 8 July to Friday 11 July 2019

Applications for a January-March 2019 British Airways work experience placement for students are now open, and will close at midnight on Wednesday 26th September 2018. Placements are 5 days long, and take place in school term time only. The programme is nationally accredited as Gold Standard by Fair Train, meaning the placements students are offered are of the highest standard – they have over 25 departments that offer work experience placements. Placements are for year 10 students and above in secondary school or college.

If your application is successful, students will be invited to an interview day during October half term, as part of their ongoing employability strategy to support young people develop work readiness skills. On this interview day, students can then declare which weeks they are available to do their placement.

The opportunities for work experience in Heathrow includes:

  • Engineering and Operations
  • Business and Head Office
  • Customer Service

Please note that students can only apply for one placement. For more information or to apply for a placement, please visit the British Airways website: