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Starting Sixth Form on Tuesday?

Yr12 Start Date – Tuesday September 3rd  

College starts for Year 12 on Tuesday 3rd September (8.45am).  On arrival, students need to go to the Hall for an assembly which will set out the year ahead.  Students will be introduced to their tutor groups and will be working on a Learning to Learn programme. This will focus on the development of independent study skills such as time and workload management, note taking and revision techniques at Key Stage 5.

On-line Enrolment - Reminder

If you achieve the grades necessary for your Sixth Form offer and do not wish to change your subjects following the receipt of your GCSE results, please click on this link to enrol on-line.  If you wish to decline your offer, please also use this on-line form to tell us of your decision. We would be grateful if you could enrol or decline no later than 1st September.

See you all on Tuesday!