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KS4 Options & Prospectus

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The GCSE Options Process
The video above will go through the options process and how to select your options. There is also careers advice information from our Careers Leader, Mrs Vinten, along with a brief outline of courses for subjects that students have not had a chance to do at KS3.
Ready to choose?
To choose your options, visit T.O.O.L.S: 
You will need your unique login details which will be given to you in March. Deadline for choosing: Friday 28th March
GCSE Options Prospectus
This booklet provides detailed information and guidance about the curriculum and can be found at the bottom of this page.  Students & parents should read through this carefully before making their choices.
Year 9 Parent Information Evening - 14th January 2025
The Year 9 Information Evening will give you a chance to come into school and this will provide you with all the information you need.  You will also hear from staff about the GCSE options process and ask questions you may have.
Parents Evening – 6th February 2025
The Year 9 Parents Evening will give you the opportunity to speak to your child’s teachers about their potential subject choice.  You will receive your child’s report to help you with what subject choices would be wise to maximise their chances of getting the best set of GCSE results.
One-to-One Meetings 
Following the assemblies, students will be asked to complete a Google form to indicate whether they require a one-to-one meeting. One to one meeting could be with our careers advisor, a counsellor, a subject leader, the Learning support team or with a member of the senior leadership team.
Careers Advice 
We are extremely lucky to have a qualified career advisor (Mrs Vinten) in school who runs our one-stop shop careers advice in-house. Mr Vinten will also be delivering assemblies, conducting one-to-one interviews, offering careers advice and so on which will provide students with another forum to discuss their future. If your child has questions regarding careers, it is imperative they utilise Mrs Vinten (based in the LRC) to help guide their subject choices. 
Unifrog & Options
All Year 9 students have a personal login to Unifrog.  This is an online careers platform that has a wealth of subject & careers information. Students have had sessions in school regarding how to navigate the ‘Subject Library’, which is helpful when making their decisions. You can access Unifrog using this link:
GCSE Curriculum 
I would like to take this opportunity to highlight that all students will follow a core curriculum of English Language and English Literature, mathematics, science, PE and Personal Development (inc. PSHE & RE). The majority of students will continue to study history or geography, and many students will choose a modern foreign language to meet the criteria for the English Baccalaureate