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KS4 Options & Prospectus

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GCSE Options

This video will go through the options process and how to select your options. There is also careers advice information from our Careers Lead, Kirsty Vinten, along with a brief outline of courses for subjects that students have not had a chance to do at KS3.

Ready to choose?

To choose your options, visit T.O.O.L.S: Deadline: Friday 29th March

GCSE Prospectus

Our Key Stage 4 prospectus gives a detailed outline of each subject available at GCSE. You can also find the prospectus linked below. 

Unifrog & Options

All Year 9 students have a personal login to Unifrog, an online careers platform that has a wealth of subject information and careers that these subjects could lead to. Students have had sessions in school regarding how to navigate the ‘Subject Library’, which is helpful when making their decisions. You can access Unifrog by following this link:

Parents' Evening

The Year 9 parents' evening is on Thursday, 14th of March where you will have a chance to speak to your subject teachers before finalising your decisions.


Adviza, the careers guidance people have created a “Choosing your GCSEs” webinar for students and parents which you can watch here: