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KS3 Curriculum

Key Stage Three (Years 7, 8 and 9)

All students follow a common curriculum at KS3. The following table lists the subjects and the allocation of teaching periods for each of them, over a fortnightly period.


Year 7

Year 8

Year 9

English 6 6 6
Mathematics 7 7 7
Science 6 6 6
Geography 4 4 4
History 4 4 4
Modern Foreign Languages 4 4
Computer Science 2 2 2
Religious Education 2 2 2
Art 3 3 3
Drama 2 2 2
Music 2 2 2
Physical Education 5 5 5
Technology* 3 3 3
Total Number of Lessons 50 50 50
DfE Recommended Minimum 48 48 48

* Students study a ‘carousel’, developing skills in Food Technology, Resistant Materials and Textiles.

Key Stage 3 Assessment Criteria

For each subject at KS3, our students will be assessed using subject-specific assessment criteria, which can be located below.

These grids have been mapped by our Subject Leads against the curriculum intent of each subject area. The student’s report can then be used to see where a student’s learning is at, against subject-specific assessment criteria.  From here, parents will be able to support their child to improve in a specific area. The KS3 report will be based on 5 strands:

  • Beginner (B)
  • Working towards Expected Standard (WT)
  • Expected Standard (ES)
  • Working Above Expected Standard (WA)
  • Outstanding (O)

Personal, Social, Citizenship and Health Education

Throughout KS3 and KS4, the PSHE curriculum is delivered during tutor time and through drop down mornings to ensure that key aspects are delivered effectively. These include: Sex and Relationships Education, Drugs, Alcohol and Tobacco Education and Employability/Careers.