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KS4 Tasks


  • Visit a gallery/exhibition.  Document the experience in your sketchbook completing these tasks:  Title your page with the gallery/exhibition name in the font used by the gallery/exhibition.  Choose a minimum of three pieces of art work you have seen there.  Complete coloured and/or tonal detail (small section) of each of the three pieces of work.  Say who made it, what’s it called and when was it made.  Say why you chose these particular pieces of work.  What do you think of them?  Compare and contrast the three.  Add postcards and photographs to your pages that you have gathered from your experience.
  • Complete an observational drawing of your hands holding an object that relates to your current project in art.  Use at least two different media.  Work from direct observation or from your own photographs.
  • Research Hannah Hock’s collages. They are full of political messages.  Create your own collage using newspapers and images that together can tell your own story about an issue that you feel strongly about.  Now take your own photographs that could then be placed together to make a Hannah Hock inspired piece of work.  Use photoshop to make a digital collage.  You could also draw/paint what you have made.
  • Recommended Reading List. You need to read the text and complete the Reading Reflection form.
    • The Art Book Phaidon Press. 
    • Illustration Now! vol.1-4, Taschen. 
    • Art Now! Vol. 1-4, Taschen. 
    • Crazy Photography, Diane Routex




  • Complete any question from your revision guide and work book.
  • Create a video recording to revise the key terms from your booklet.
  • Recommended Reading List. You need to read the text and complete the Reading Reflection form.
    • Edexcel GCSE (9-1) Business – Second Edition by Ian Marcouse
    • Edexcel GCSE (9-1) Business by Helen Coupland-Smith and Andrew Redfern
    • Business Section of a Broadsheet Newspaper or BBC website



  • Write a review about a dance you have watched. This could be something you saw live at a theatre, or a dance you watched on TV or a dance in a film. Describe the dance, analyse the movement and features of production – set, lighting, costume, props and camera angles. Interpret the meaning, theme, ideas of the dance.  Evaluate the effectiveness of the dance.
  • Devise a warm up ready to teach to the class. Choose an appropriate piece of music. Make sure there is a clear focal point to your warm up by choosing one of the following: Cardio vascular, Warming up spine, upper body and arms, Warming up legs, ankles, feet and toes, Jumping exercise, Floor work – stretches, sit ups, press ups, Travel phrase
  • Choose a stimulus from the list and write out a motif – a sequence of movements to convey your chosen stimulus.
    • Visual – see; picture, object, sculpture
    • Auditory – hear; music, sound of a poem, sound effects, natural sounds
    • Ideational – conveying of idea; story in the news, unfolding of events
    • Mind map the stimulus using Actions, Space, Dynamics, Relationships.
    • How many dancers in the choreography?
  • Recommended Reading List. You need to read the text and complete the Reading Reflection form.


  • Review a LIVE theatre performance, a film or a TV series/episode.
  • Research and summarise findings on a practitioner of your choice (Stanislavski, Brecht, Artaud, Boal, Grotowski). You need at least 10 key points.
  • Research and summarise findings on a practitioner of your choice (Stanislavski, Brecht, Artaud, Boal, Grotowski). You need at least 10 key points.
  • Recommended Reading List. You need to read the text and complete the Reading Reflection form.
    • Our Day Out by Willy Russell
    • DNA by Dennis Kelly
    • Hairspray by Thomas Meehan & Mark O’Donnell


  • Activities for Students over the Summer (2020):

English Summer Activities 2020

Language Homework READING 

Letter of introduction to EBooks Now 

Extra Curricular Clubs


  • Recommended Reading List. You need to read the text and complete the Reading Reflection form.
    • AQA Food Preparation and Nutrition Illuminate text book and revision guide
    • The Science of Cooking: Every Question Answered to Give you the Edge by Stuart Farrimond
    • The Science of Food by Marty Jopson


  • Complete any question or activity from the revision workbooks and guides.
  • Learn the Geography Glossary ready to be tested.
  • Recommended Reading List. You need to read the text and complete the Reading Reflection form.
    • National Geographic Magazine




  • 1 - Commas
  • 2 - Apostrophes
  • 3 - Capitals
  • 4 - Punctuation
  • 5 - Comprehension
  • 6 - Comprehension 
  • Recommended Reading List. You need to read the text and complete the Reading Reflection form.
    • The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time by Mark Haddon
    • Animal Farm by George Orwell
    • Noughts and Crosses by Malorie Blackman
    • Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carol
    • Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
    • To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
    • A Christmas Carol by Charles Dicken
    • Treasure Island by R.L. Stevenson
    • The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien
    • Eats, Shoots and Leaves by Lynne Truss





  • Michael Phelps Research Task: Using your knowledge of all course areas and following some research on Michael Phelps, explain which anatomical, physiological, psychological and socio-cultural influences have helped him to become the greatest ever Olympian.
  • Create and complete a detailed 8 week training programme for yourself to improve in a single component of fitness. This may, for example, be to improve in speed, stamina, power, etc.
  • Visit or arrange work experience at one of the following places; St Georges Park for gaining knowledge about training and coaching, elite performance, psychology of sport, NGBs, etc. / Lords Cricket Ground for gaining knowledge about training and coaching, elite performance, psychology of sport, NGBs, the history of sport, etc. /  Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park for gaining knowledge about training and coaching, elite performance, psychology of sport, NGBs, history and legacy of hosting an Olympics, etc. / Cadbury World for gaining knowledge about the industrial revolution, the history of sport, etc. / Brunel University and its athletics training sessions for gaining knowledge about training and coaching, fitness testing, elite performance, psychology of sport, etc. / Body World’s Exhibitions or Bodies, The Exhibition (when either are in the country) for gaining knowledge about anatomy and physiology, etc.
  • Go to a live sporting fixture or event (or watch) and write a 150 word summary of the action.
  • Recommended Reading List. You need to read the text and complete the Reading Reflection form.
    • NGB websites - The FA, The RFU etc.
    • Read the Sport section of any broadsheet newspaper or the BBC website
    • The Brownlee Brothers ‘Swim, Bike, Run. Our Triathlon Story’ ISBN: 0670923125
    • David Beckham Autobiography ‘My Side’ ISBN: 0007157339
    • Mo Farah Autobiography ‘Twin Ambitions’ ISBN: 1444779583



  • Year 9- Visit and design a religious building for either Islam or Christianity.
  • Year 10- Research stories of the holocaust and design an information leaflet on this.
  • Year 11- Research religious groups and design an information leaflet on each group.
  • Recommended Reading List. You need to read the text and complete the Reading Reflection form.
    • Islam: The Essentials (Pelican Introduction)
    • An Introduction to Islam (Introduction to Religion) David Waines Christianity: A Complete Christianity a Complete Introduction: Teach Yourself
    • Introduction to Philosophy: Christianity and the Big Questions- Steve Wilkens
