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Vision & Values

Our Vision

Our whole school vision is of a happy, successful, and aspirational community, both today and tomorrow.

Our Core Beliefs and Values

We are guided by the values of Commitment, Conscientiousness, Courtesy, and Community-mindedness.

Our school’s motto is Success is an Attitude; this describes our belief in a growth mindset and commitment to the success of each individual student.

Promoting British Values at The Chalfonts Community College

At The Chalfonts Community College School we embrace our wider role in preparing students for their adult life beyond the formal examined curriculum. Part of our role in that preparation is ensuring that we promote and reinforce British values to our students. The government set out its definition of British values in the 2011 Prevent Strategy (see separate prevent Strategy document) and considered them to be democracy, rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs. We believe British values are those values expected of anyone living in Britain, regardless of their nationality, culture or religious belief and their sexuality. At The Chalfonts Community College, we actively promote positive, inclusive values and challenge those not reflecting in the British Values. These include democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect for and tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs

At The Chalfonts Community College these values are reinforced in an explicit manner, are woven through our curriculum and permeate the college community. Our ethos reflects these values. We place great emphasis on building positive relationships in school, amongst the students themselves and between staff, parents and students. We strongly believe students should not merely be taught such values but that they participate as engaged citizens so becoming well-rounded individuals, capable of making confident decisions about their future.

We strive to support our students to develop into, positive, respectful and aspirational young adults who have empathy towards and an understanding of others.

The information below reflects how The Chalfonts Community College works to promote positive values through the ethos and life of the school, for example through a broad and balanced curriculum, and through social, moral, cultural and spiritual development.

The examples that follow are an indication of some of the many ways in which we seek to embed British values at The Chalfonts Community College, and should be seen as an indication of our approach rather than an exhaustive list.


At The Chalfonts Community College the principle of democracy is consistently reinforced and is explored in Law, History and Religious studies as well as in form time and assemblies. Students have the opportunity to have their voices heard through our Student Voice, Surveys, questionnaires and through our Sixth Form Leadership Team.

The Rule of Law

Our students will encounter rules and laws throughout their lives. We want them to understand that whether these laws govern their class, their college, their community or their country, they are set for good reason and they must adhere to them. Students have been involved in the modification of these school behaviour rules and this helped them to understand the reasons behind them and the consequences if they are broken. We actively encourage visits from authorities such as the police and parliamentarians as part of our calendar of visits and these help reinforce this message.

Individual Liberty

At The Chalfonts Community College, students are actively encouraged to make independent choices, knowing that they are in a safe, secure and supportive environment. As a college we educate and provide boundaries for students to make choices safely, through the provision of a safe environment and empowering education. Students are encouraged to know, understand and exercise their rights and personal freedoms and receive advice about how to exercise these safely, for example through our exploration of E-Safety in computing and form time activities. We educate them to make choices about their curriculum options that, whilst guided, still allow them free choice.

Mutual Respect

“Our college ethos, ‘success is an attitude’ permeates the college alongside our school values, which encourage students to be Community-minded, Courteous, Conscientious and Committed.” These values form the root core of our beliefs and is what our rewards policy is linked to. Our staff and students model these values on a daily basis and we expect the same of the visitors to our college. In line with our commitment to democracy, students at The Chalfonts Community College are always able to voice their opinions and we foster an environment in which students are safe to respectfully disagree with each other. Mutual respect is embraced throughout the curriculum from the concept of ‘fair play’ in PE to a number of ‘buddy’ and peer roles.

Tolerance of Those of Different Faiths and Beliefs

This is achieved through equipping students with the ability to understand their place in a culturally diverse society and by giving them opportunities to experience such diversity within the college community and beyond. Our Religious Studies curriculum provides a broad and balanced education on a rage of faiths, religions and cultures. Regular visits, including trips abroad, enhance students’ perceptions of the world around them as well as of their local area.

If you require additional information about promoting British values and preventing extremism/radicalisation please explore the following link which has a section specifically for parents/carers: