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Reporting Student Absence

Please notify the Attendance Team of an absence by 8.45 am in the following ways:

By Telephone: 01753 882032 (option 1)
By Email:

Via the Parent Arbor App
Instructions for Arbor App: Logging absences on the Parent Portal and Arbor App

Please clearly notify us of your child’s name, form and reason for absence.

Research consistently shows that regular school attendance is directly linked to improved academic performance, social development, and overall well-being (see DfE Research here). Each day of missed school equates to missed opportunities for learning, collaboration, and growth. To put this into perspective, here is a breakdown of what percentage attendance means in terms of lost learning:

How Attendance can affect attainment

It is essential to understand that consistent attendance not only impacts academic progress but also shapes your child's habits, attitudes, and future opportunities. By attending school regularly, your child is better positioned to succeed academically and develop essential skills for their future endeavours.

We are committed to supporting you in ensuring that your child attends school regularly and maximises their learning potential. If you are facing any challenges that may affect your child's attendance, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. We are here to help and work collaboratively to address any barriers to attendance. We are always striving to achieve 100% attendance at The Chalfonts Community College, and we are hoping that we can work with you and get as near to this target as possible.

This is the school’s policy on attendance, which is based on the DfE Guidelines. At The Chalfonts Community College we have an expectation that all pupils will commit to full attendance.   Attendance does make such a big difference to student’s achievement. We will be monitoring your child’s attendance over the year, and will be in contact should this fall below 90%.  If attendance falls below 90%, we will invite you in for a meeting to work with you to support your child further.

What Should You Do?


Parents should advise the school attendance team by 8.45 am, on the first day of their child’s absence and every day thereafter. Stating their child’s name, form, reason for absence (please give details) and an expected date of return. This information will be recorded on the register.  

Medical/Dental Appointments

If your child has a medical/dental appointment which cannot be arranged outside of school hours, please inform the school as far in advance as possible. Evidence of appointments can be emailed to or handed to reception. 

Please note that if your child is absent for AM registration (Form and Period 1) or PM registration (Period 4), their attendance percentage will be affected.  If your child has an unavoidable medical appointment during the school day, we would appreciate your support in arranging this, where possible, at lunchtime to minimise the effect on their schooling.

Late to School

If your child arrives after 8.45 am, without communication from a parent to the Attendance Office by 8.45 am, the student will automatically be given a break-time detention. Please use the attendance office email and numbers provided.

Leave of Absence

In exceptional circumstances, requests for Leave of Absence can be made to the Attendance Officer, who will refer requests to the Principal. This may include requests to attend a wedding or funeral of an immediate relative, a university visit, a driving test (not driving lessons), work experience, county-level sport and students in entertainment. The school Principal is the only person who can authorise leave.

Forms can be found and downloaded from the school website by following this link

Please note that the school cannot lawfully grant leave of absence for family holidays, except under clearly exceptional circumstances, and requests for LOA, in line with Government Guidelines, will normally not be authorised.  Absence requests are not generally granted and almost never to those whose attendance is below 98%.

Should a student be absent without contact from parents, this will be treated as a matter of concern for the child’s welfare. Contact will be attempted by the school and external agencies will be involved where necessary.