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"Chalfonts students are positive, respectful and aspirational. They are role models who work hard to ensure their community is a safe, happy and successful place where everyone can thrive and achieve" Success is an Attitude.

Rewards at The Chalfonts Community College

Good work within and beyond the classroom will initially be rewarded by the achievement of a merit sticker, each valued at five achievement points.  Such merits will be awarded when a student has gone above and beyond what has been asked of them and they therefore demonstrate the characteristics of our college ethos. Our reward system is linked to proper achievement – above that normally expected of a student, as research says this has the greatest impact on student motivation (Simon Brownhill, senior lecturer in education at Derby University)

 Our rewards take many forms; it is important that effort and achievement of all kinds are treated as noteworthy. Our daily merits are awarded and collated on a weekly basis with each tutor group celebrating the ‘Tutee of the week’ after which the student is awarded a Golden Ticket giving priority access to our delicious food. Post cards home have also been introduced so the achievements can be celebrated beyond the school gate. Merits are also awarded for additional homework’s and more information on this can be found on the College website

On a half termly basis we also celebrate students who achieve excellent attendance with the offer of 50 achievement points for those who meet our target of 100% attendance. With Bronze, Silver and Gold certificates being awarded if excellent attendance continues for the whole term. Further termly awards include ‘Pizza Parties’ and up to thirty students in each year groups will receive a special award of an invite to ‘Afternoon Tea’ with the Principal/Vice Principal and Governor where possible, to celebrate their success.

Academic Reports; if a student achieves (a) across all subjects for classwork, homework and effort 50 achievement points per criteria will be awarded and a letter of commendation will be sent. These students have clearly worked exceptionally hard during the term. 

Achievement and Prize-giving Assemblies

There is also an annual whole school prize-giving assembly held in the summer term, to recognise the persistent work, effort and achievement of students throughout the year. Faculties and Tutor teams will nominate students for a range of awards with Shields/Cups being awarded for individuals with the best effort, progress and overall contribution to College Life, All prize winners will have demonstrating their ability to uphold the College at every opportunity.

We encourage students to take a real pride in their own achievements and to respect the achievement of others.