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Useful Careers Websites

Career Related Websites

Please find websites listed below and log-in details that can assist you in finding out more about various careers:

Who are you?

  • Prospects – Match your skills and personality to 400+ job profiles.
  • Unifrog - The complete destinations platform, a one-stop-shop for whole-school careers guidance. Our mission is to level the playing field when it comes to students searching for the best opportunities and applying successfully by working closely with our community of students.

Finding a career

  • National Careers Service – a Government organisation which helps you find out what a job involves and if it’s right for you. Telephone: 0800 100 900
  • Careerometer – compare key information about occupations to help you to identify potential careers including pay, weekly hours of work and future employment prospects.
  • CareerPilot – Plan your study and work. Career tools to help you decide which choices to make at 14, 16 and 18, consider routes to different qualifications and find out about job sectors.
  • BBC Bitesize Careers – videos explaining the world of work, with advice from people who've found the right path for them.
  • icould – Listen to people from accountants to zookeepers tell their own story about their real life career journeys.
  • Success at School – Career advice for schools and students aged 13-19.
  • - Get all the information you need for a career within the NHS.

Getting prepared...

  • CV Creator - One of the really useful features on this website is CV Creator this program enables you to create a CV by answering questions. It then lays out the answers you give in a CV format. You can then save the document in to a word document and amend/add information.
  • How to Write a CV - Tips and Advice to Help You Land a Job - Writing a CV that stands out can be a challenge – even if you’re a master of what you do. You may feel like the perfect candidate for a role, but if your CV doesn’t hit the mark there’s a chance you won’t even be given the opportunity to prove yourself. So in this guide, we’ll go over the most important aspects of writing the perfect CV.

Further education and higher education: resources

  • UCAS – Explore your options, apply to uni, alternatives to uni, further education, careers.
  • The Student Room – Looks at careers in graduate job sectors as well as advice on applying to uni.
  • Which University? – Find and compare the best universities and degree courses.
  • All About School Leavers – Helps school leavers get jobs and understand the career paths available to them, including apprenticeships, school leaver programmes and sponsored degrees.
  • - For Graduate jobs, internships, placements and school leaver schemes as well as the highest quality career advice by sector.
  • - Subject Spotlights is a mini lecture series delivered by top academic professors on a certain topic designed to give students a chance to experience realistic university-style learning before they have to apply for courses. Students can find Spotlights on Law, Economics and more! As well as view profiles for different universities to help them in gathering information so they can make an informed choice about where they want to study next.
  • - Opportunities and advice for school and college leavers.

Finding an apprenticeship: resources

  • Remit Training deliver Apprenticeship programmes in the Automotive, IT, Business, Hospitality, Food Manufacturing, Retail and Care industries across the UK.
  • IT-based apprenticeships
  • Find an Apprenticeship: Government-run website that helps you find an apprenticeship.
  • A Guide to Apprenticeships: Find out what it’s like to be an apprentice – the opportunities, benefits and just how far an apprenticeship can take you in the future.
  • Not Going to Uni: Ideas for alternatives to university.
  • Whitehat: Matches non-graduate talent with apprenticeship opportunities at some of the UK's most exciting companies.
  • Lots of information about apprenticeships and a good ‘vacancy’ section showing the types of apprenticeships the company offer.
  • The Bucks Skills Hub: This website gives you invaluable career-related information, including guides to different job sectors, case studies on the world of work, how to make yourself more employable, and much more! Take a look around to find inspiration - your future depends on what you do today.
  • Wannabe Bucks: Gain skills and experience to prepare you for work! You can search for opportunities and vacancies within local businesses.

Career Related Courses

  • FutureLearn - Partners with over 170 world-class universities, institutions and industry leaders to create world-class courses to help you with your career. Identify students' strengths and learn how to use their time at university to explore career options and prepare for future job roles. It will help anyone unsure whether university is right for them to identify how to make the most of a degree to better their employability after graduation.
  • Get the Jump - Skills for Life Campaign - Click here for more information and the resources/toolkit can be found here. The resource can be used to support the new campaign and raise awareness and understanding of the full range of education and training choices available to young people aged 14-19.